Gábor is a software architect and teacher with over 12 years of experience in C#, .NET Core, and WPF. He served as a lecturer at the University of Szeged for 6 years, passing on his wealth of knowledge about computer networks, information security, and electronics to the next generation of programmers.
he C# guru is passionate about helping others learn and reach their potential. Gábor has been invited to speak at several conferences. He regularly creates blog posts and video content explaining technical concepts or sharing insights from his developer journey.
Gábor’s other achievements include:
- Authoring two books on C#, IoT, & Microcontroller project development: Programozható Elektronikák released in 2019 and Hello C# published in 2020.
- Expert knowledge of JavaScript, C, Shell, HTML, Batchfile, JSON, C++, PHP, CSS, Flask, and NodeJS.
- He is in the Top 3% Being in the top 1% of developers worldwide is based on experience and skills.
If you’re a beginner or senior developer looking to discover fresh points of view on programming and advance your abilities, you should follow Gábor and keep an eye on his work.
You can check out his CodersRank profile, visit his website at Webmaster442.hu, or take a look at his GitHub profile. You can find him on Facebook at Webmaster442.hu.
forrás: https://blog.codersrank.io/hungarian-developers-you-should-follow/#gabor-ruzsinszki